Tuesday 21 February 2012

The blogger bug...

... has officially bitten.  I've spent the last few years uploading photos of my proudest food achievements to my Facebook profile, only to receive feedback of "Lydia we don't need to know everything you eat for dinner" - so, blogger, here I am to share my love of all things food with the people that do care!  I've been a student living in not-so-nice student houses for the last two years so my cooking skills had to be very selective depending on whether or not any of my housemates had actually considered doing their washing up for a change, but since moving into a lovely tidy flat last August I've finally been able to be as creative as I like with my cooking and baking, and I LOVE it.  So expect to see my favourite photos, reviews and recipes on here, and most importantly, eat and enjoy.

xoxo la dolce eater.

1 comment:

  1. Your blog is very nice and your food looks delicious! I started the same way (on FB). Welcome! I'm happy to be your first follower!
